Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Plantar Warts

Not only will we talk about heel pain, but we will also discuss other foot conditions as well. One of the more common things that we see are plantars warts, also known as verruca plantaris. These warts can occur at any time of the year but they are more common during the warmer months.

They are called plantar warts because they occur on the sole or plantar aspect of the foot. These warts are caused by a virus called the human papilloma virus (HPV). People can pick these up at hotels, pools, locker rooms, gym floors, mats and showers. If someone steps on one of these surfaces that has or had the virus and has a small cut in their skin, they can too pick up the HPV virus and develop the plantars wart. More people will tend to use swimming pools and walk barefoot in the summer time. That is why sometimes there is an increase in the amount of warts seen during the warmer weather. If you have sweaty feet, you also are at a risk of picking up the virus.

Plantars warts may or may not hurt. A lot of it will depend on where it is located on the foot. If it is on a weight bearing area, chances are they will hurt.

Treatment options vary depending on where the wart is located. Usually we may start off with topical acid therapy which is very effective and sometimes we may have to excise the wart.

Some ways to prevent warts is to avoid walking around barefoot, changing socks reguarly if they sweat a lot, and keeping your feet clean and dry.

As always its very important to see your Dr if you have any questions regarding warts. Its important to assess what treatment is best for you.


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