Monday, March 30, 2009

Its that time of the season....

For warmer weather to finally arrive. More and more people will be active this time of the year to be outside and play. One of the biggest concerns that we see is the Weekend Warrior Syndrome. What is that you may ask? Well that is if you have not been active and just get right into an activity that you have not prepared yourself for in years. Example, you used to play basketball as a teenager. Now you are in your 40's and want to play that pickup game again with your friends. You have not stretched or done any physical activity in years. You start that pickup game without stretching or warming up your body. You then make that run at the end of the court, as your teammate dishes off that pass to you and you pivot the wrong way and you hear a pop sound. This actually may have been your Achilles Tendon that had ruptured. And depending on the severity of that rupture, it can take you a full year time frame of recovery to get any better. So please, make sure you are not the typical Weekend Warrior and remember to stretch and slowly progress into activity if you have not done so in a while

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